Wordle game help: 5


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Mar 15, 2024

Wordle game help: 5

Here is how you find the other three letters. Each day, a new five-letter mystery word is up on Wordle. Players then have a maximum of 24 hours to guess what it is, but with a catch: there are no

Here is how you find the other three letters.

Each day, a new five-letter mystery word is up on Wordle.

Players then have a maximum of 24 hours to guess what it is, but with a catch: there are no clues to start and you only get six chances of guessing it.

To help a little, guesses must be actual five-letter words from the English language and, after you submit them, the game will give you some visual feedback, indicating if the letters you used are part of the answer or not, and even hint to where.

That means the most popular strategies tend to include the letters you are most likely to find in English-language words, such as vowels and common consonants.

But, even after getting a couple of letters right, you might still feel stuck or overwhelmed by the number of options. If that is the case after finding a starting “S” and an “A” somewhere in the word, check out the list below.

The placement of the “A” makes a difference when it comes to narrowing down the list. If you don’t know exactly where it is placed yet, you can probably at least know one position of the word where it isn’t, which is where it came out yellow. Cross out all the words from the list that contain it in that same position.

Then, look at the other letters included in your previous guesses and cross out all the words containing those that came out gray in them. Not only does this help visualize better, it also helps you make sure to avoid repeating information that will not be helpful in the future.

Among the words above, there are some letters you can keep an eye on. Upon a first look, it is highly likely that it might have another vowel (“E,” “I,” “O,” “U”), an “R,” or a “Y.” Other common letters include “H,” “L,” “P,” “T,” and “W.” Make sure you mix as many of those as you can in one single guess, even setting the “S” and “A” aside if you prefer—which allows you to form words like “TRIPE” and cover five of the most common letters.

After each guess, refresh your personal list, crossing out new words based on the feedback you got from the game.

There is also a chance that at least one of the letters will be repeated, though you shouldn’t count on that possibility at first. The letter “S,” specifically, appears quite frequently at the end of words, but it appears as the plural mark and plural words will never be picked as answers for Wordle. So watch out for it.

If you’re still unsure and don’t want to wait until Wordle resets at midnight local time, you can always look up the answer to today’s puzzle (which we update around 12am CT).

Jéssica is a writer, editor, and translator working at GAMURS since 2019, but with a lifelong experience in word games and TV shows. She can also be found at concerts or babbling about board games anywhere.

Five-letter words with “A” and starting with “S” to try on Wordle